fredag 25. desember 2009

Merry christmas!!

Hope all my readers and passing-by-ers have a lovely holiday season, and enjoy it all with the ones you love.

Don't burst on food, but do indulge on loving and caring!!

Until we meet again, take care!


mandag 21. desember 2009

RIP Brittany Murphy

Queen once said (or the remains of them, after Freddie Mercury had passed away) that one by one only the good die young. Flying to close to the sun and all. Whether she was good or not is not for me to say as I never knew her. But this evening we got the news that Brittany Murphy was found dead, due to a cardiac arrest at age 32. The reason? Who knows. I'm not gonna speculate.

But what was strange to me, was that 5 minutes before I read the news I saw her on tv, in the movie Just Married.

I always say, be glad you don't know what tomorrow will bring.


Here she's singing Somebody to Love in the movie Happy feet. One of my favorite songs of all times.

torsdag 10. desember 2009

Much ado about Norway

I am on twitter, and last night I noticed that Norway was a trending topic. I figured it would have to be because Obama is visiting our country for the first time due to the Nobel Peace Price. But no. It was because of a spiralling lightning phenomenon in the sky that happened last morning at 7:45 am. I didn't see it personally because I was in my car at the moment, and I tend to try to watch traffic. And sometimes I get distracted by excessive christmas lights. I guess the lights happened when I passed by an area where neighbours compete in brightness.. hehe. Anyway.
Stuff happens here, and today they say it's a russian submarine rocket of some kind that caused the light. So no alien or ufo's anyway.. Kind of disappointing.

Another person who's into aliens is Robbie Williams. He's visiting Norway as well today. As well as Barack Obama, Will Smith, and god knows who. So this is THE place to be.

I'm not watching the Nobel stuff. I never do, it doesn't really interest me. Well done for whoever gets it. But the press is really into it. And I steer clear of anything that's getting too much attention in the media. Call me weird, I don't care. I always end up on Discovery watching ink series, little persons, a bunch of kids from few pregnancies and what not.

But tomorrow night I WILL watch norwegian telly. Because of Robbie Williams of course. He's doing Skavlan, a show I normally never watch. It's too much talk and to little interesting stuff for me, I bore easily. Can't wait to see tomorrows show though!! Because as a guest Robbie's far more interesting than many of the other guests who's been there. Oh, and he's got beautiful eyes, and sings really well!

I even got to meet him in person once, and took his picture. He didn't let me take a proper one with him and me, so this is the best I got as a proof hehe.

Anyway, am really looking forward to the interview tomorrow evening! For anybody interested, It's probably gonna be streamed on

onsdag 18. november 2009

Giggle of the day

I stumbled upon an old youtube clip of one of my favorite actors Hugh "House" Laurie, Stephen Fry and Dawn French.

As I do what I do for a living, it's important to remember safe sex. Here's their view on the matter.


søndag 1. november 2009

Another Robbie Williams track

I admit it, I'm a Robbie Williams fan. And I'm happy he's got a new album coming out soon. Or, I already have a copy of it that I haven't gotten around to listen to, so I'm not as super interested as I used to be be back in the days.. But still.

The new single will apparently be out in december, and is called You Know Me.

Here's the video. And I guess I'm obliged to say that I got the code from his web site

You Know Me - Robbie Williams (Official full-length video)

Robbie Williams | MySpace Video

What do you think? Plain weird, funny, or genious?

tirsdag 27. oktober 2009


Last weekend we went to the birthday of a friend of mine, and she celebrated it halloween style. I'm again a mad cow, like the blog post that have given me most viewers, only because of the cute pic. So here it is again...

And here is my impersonation of the photo. With wig and fangs.

torsdag 8. oktober 2009


I'm in a bit of a blogging vacuum for the time being, not because I don't experience anything, but I can't get around to sitting down and putting my experiences into a story.

So sorry if you keep coming back to a blog that never progresses.

guess it's because my pc is quite poorly for the time being, so I'm trying to keep my web time to a minimum.

Oh, and today is my birthday. So happy birthday to me. Now I'm 34, so if I were a soccer playing man, I would now be a legitimate old boys player. That's a bit depressing.. I don't feel that old. Or, today I feel like a hundred, but that's another story.
All those numbers just keeps adding up, and the alternative isn't that attractive either. To say it in other words, those who've managed to stay forever young are no longer with us.
So here's to aging with pride and staying young at heart!

One of the last things I did as a 33 year old was to play dress-up by myself, I kind of like being a redhead I've realized. Only thing is that it's murder to maintain.. talking from experience. Hooray for wigs!!

fredag 4. september 2009


I'm just popping in while travelling across Europe, now in Paris France. Tomorrow it's Oslo again, then on sunday Los Angeles!

Todays subject, Robbie Williams. Bodies. Thats the name of his new single, and today it was played for the first time. How does it sound? Slightly average, in my opinion. But not as bad as some crtics claim.
How dare they rate the new ALBUM with a 1 when they only have heard one song??! Give they guy a chance.

Here it is, tell me what you think!!

lørdag 29. august 2009

Never look back in anger

So, that's it for Oasis I take it. The brain stem of the band, Noel Gallagher has decided to leave, guess he's had that one last row with baby bro'.

Some of those rows kind of puts the conflicts in Afghanistan or Iraq in the shades. At least when it comes to headlines....

Anyway, I'm glad I got the chance to see them twice before they went into history.

And now, here's a few words from themselves, that actually might be needed from now on and the next few days/weeks/years.

søndag 23. august 2009

The final countdown!

To get us all in the right mood for this blog, click this link and let it play while reading hehe. I was trying to embed it, but it's disabled, so unfortunately it has to be played in a separate window. Spongebob is fun.. And the song is quite appropriate right now.

Because it really IS the final countdown. First of all to my holiday, it's been an extremely long summer this year. Not a fun long summer, a WORKING and tiresome long summer. I'm not complainting, by all means, I love my job. But now the end is nigh, and in just a week I'm finally starting my 4 week long awaited holiday.

And today, it's a mere 14 days until we leave for LA!!

I start my holiday a bit earlier, I'm going on a short week to Paris first, with a very special friend of mine. So for those who happen to stroll by and who know me and didn't already know, well now I've admitted it lol.

I look immensely forward to getting away from here. I look forward to seeing new things, and just enjoy seeing new places. We'll drink mojitos and g/t's if we want to. And I'll generally just live life without thinking about what time I have to get back in my car and jump into my scrubs again.

There will definitely be more updates from my trip, with pics and all. But for now, it's all about dreaming and counting down. The final countdown!!!! :D

Snapshot from last years holiday, this was in Cascais near Lisbon, Portugal

søndag 9. august 2009

My Madonna weekend

It's been exactly a week now since I got back home from my holiday leg 1 this year. I've seen my friends, their kids, who keeps growing in a pace that honestly scares me. I'm getting granny old soon!!
Plenty a coffee were drunk, plenty of sushi was ingested. And actually, not even one unit of alcohol. It's not that I'm proud of myself or anything, it just isn't an option most of the time.

Well, the Madonna concert. We had Golden Circle tickets, so we knew that we'd get quite close to the stage no matter how late we were.

I'd been checking up on weather forecasts, and the prognosis were poor for us, i knew that even before I got on the plane down. Thursday night, the concert night, it said heavy rain. And heavy rain were absolutely no exagerration.

Thursday morning came, I'd brought my 2 rainpochos (for the 2 of us, kindly approved by my mum when we first read the forecast. Had a day of windowshopping ahead of me, before I was to meet up with sis in law and head for Valle Hovin, the concert arena. About half an hour before we were to meet, heaven decided to open up, and let all the excess water out in a huge thunderstorm. So when we got up to the Arena, it already looked a bit like a lake. Because there were no drainage whatsoever on the concrete that the rest of the year is a skating arena.

We were a bit far back in line, but somehow managed to get front row places when we came in. Already soaked shoes, I found a place that didn't have 10 cm of water. And stood put. here's what my socks looked like before the concert even started, but after I'd been on a little walk to find a ladies room.

Notice how sis in law was smart enough to wear wellies. I had on leather strollers from Vagabond, not a good choice.

To make a long story short, Madonna was really fit, already about 600 times more fit than me, and when I'll get to 50, she'll probably be 1600 times more fit than me. We were in front of the bass speakers, so it was hard to hear the music itself, just heard booom boom boom and her voice when the base didn't go. Which was most of the time. So I can't say if she sang great or not. But she had a great show, that's for sure. And it was WET. WET as ...a shower, or a steam shower. Or a massage shower, if you want. Especially at times. Here are a few more shots from the nights, some of us, some of Madonna. And i'll try to upload a video too. The sound isn't good at all, because of the proximity to the bassdrums, but the sight was great. So turn OFF your speakers and enjoy! hehe

Happy to be front row, showing off the bar.

Madonna stratting her stuff in front of us, on the bass speaker that stole my sound.

Here's the clip with the best sound, but still, the bass messes it up half way. Sorry.

mandag 27. juli 2009


The title is about 2 things, the first is that it's actually my first week of holiday now. The second thing is, that the time has come for me to pack my things and leave for Oslo. Thursday is the day to see Madonna in concert.
First time ever for me to see her, and first time ever for her in Norway.
I'm looking forward to it, but I look even more forward to hanging out with my friends and family, have all the sushi I want, go to the movies, and do whatever I please, whenever I please.

It's just one week off for now, but I'll try to make the best of it.

The first 3 days off I've tried to lead a better life than before, unfortunately I've been lazy ever since the work project were over.

So to kick myself in the butt, I bought a card that's sold, where you walk on 8 designated tracks, most of them are to various heights around the municipality. So, the last 3 days, I've conquered 3 different heights around the village. Today I brought my mobile to take pics as proof hehe. So here follows the evidence.

Lobster-Lisa on top of a mountain..

The Andøya mountains seen from Øvergårdsfjellet

My dad posing on what seems to be the edge of a cliff, but we walked down from there. Myre is in the background, my home town.

My dad again, relaxing, making some photographic evidence for himself. The background is Staven/Øksnes Vestbygd.

onsdag 1. juli 2009


My newest little niece is a cute little thing.. But she's turned a bit scary lately. Her parents has this proof that we might have to find some holy water in the near future..

lørdag 13. juni 2009


As usual I might say, my blog activity is rather low.

Since april 27 our work has been part of a project called "active hospitals" , where the point has been to compete against other units, and find out who's the most active. We got points every day if we worked out, could get rewarded 1 or 2 points depending on the activity. Well, as competitive as I am, I set of to get full score. The project lasted for 6 weeks, and I actually managed to get 2 points every day. So I actually went from a 0 hour a week workout over the last 8 years to half an hour of aerobics or power walk a day. That showed on my measurements, I lost half my bust during the project (and there weren't much to begin with hehe) All in all I actually lost 25 cm's which is quite cool. But now when the project is over I'm lazy again. Will try to stay a bit more active than before though.. It's nice to walk in the forest, and feels great to be able to jog for 300 metres without having to puke afterwards lol.

Other than that last week or so has been incredibly busy. Started with 2 night shifts last wednesday and thursday night, sleeping friday morning, then at night we had a "blue" trip with work.
A Blue Trip is a trip where a committee of 2 or 3 persons decides what to do, and the rest are in "the blue", not knowing anything. Well, we met up at work at 6 pm, got a starter drink from a urine sample cup (of course, we work at a hospital lol) apple juice. Then we got handed an envelope with a riddle, and had to find out where our next destination would be. It was the local airport, so we got a bit apprehensive, wondering if we actually were to fly anywhere. Got there, had to go through the security check, then got seated, and handed another envelope. That one took us to Sortland, where I live, to a co workers new house. So there was no flight for us, just a security check.
At Sortland we found our co workers house, got lovely lime, mellon and cucumber drinks, these with alcohol. Had a chocolate quiz, then got another riddle. That time it was the destination. Which was a sami exhibition/museum place a few kilometres away.
We drove off again, found the last stop. There we were met by the owners of the place, and shown up to our dining area, inside a Lavvu, a sami tent, like a tipi.

She told stories, spoke sapmi, which none of us understood, and sang a joik. That was pretty cool, actually. We got served a festive traditional meal of some kind of casserole, and had a few more quizzes outside the lavvu. We cheated like hell, and won hehe. The prize? A dried, salted reindeer heart!! Apparently it was a normal snack with the sami people, so we were handed the thing, sliced a bit of it, dipped it in coffee and ate it. Not my favorite snack, I must admit that. But now I've tasted that too... Never in a million years thought I'd actually eat a heart.

Anyhoo.. I left early, because next day I was going to Lødingen to attend the annual seafood festival there. My sis in law is from Lødingen, that's why we go there. The name isn't that accurate, the festival involves more beer, and less actual seafood. But it's a nice place to relax, and the people are nice.

On monday I left to Oslo with a co worker, we were going to check out new beds for our delivery rooms. First we visited Ullevål Hospital, the biggest hospital in the country. We have 300 deliveries a year, they have 7000. So there's a difference for sure. We barely got to talk to the person we had appointments with, and found out that their beds were crappy.
Next morning we checked out of our hotel, got picked up by another bed company dude, and was escorted to Drammen to see another bed. That was quite another story.. Totally hi tech, inflatable cushions in seats and lower back, and could easily be turned into a recliner, if wanted. So I'm rooting for that one. Now its up to the hospital management if they want to spend 104.500 NOK on a bed.

søndag 17. mai 2009

Happy Birthday Norway!!!

I've been really lazy with my blogging lately, most of all because I don't have much to share with the world.

Well, today is our national holiday, kind of like USA's 4th of july, only a month and a half earlier, less fireworks and more childrens parades.

We celebrated is as we normally do, got up kind of early, put on our bunads (national costumes, to see mine, watch a few posts earlier), and went down to the start of the childrens parade. As my mother works at a kinder garden, we all joined in there. After the parade was done, my niece was kind of worn out. So we carried her up to the sporting arena, where they were selling cake, coffee, hotdogs and icecream. They all had some, and so did I. After we were bored with walking in line everywhere, we went home. My mum fixed dinner, we had oven baked salmon with spices, spring onions and lime, very tasty indeed. The weather was wonderful all day long, and still is. Sun shining from a clear blue sky is rare here on may 17. We normally have a shower of snow!!!

Well, as nice as it was, I'm kind of glad it's done for now. One more year until i have to dress up and iron my flag again hehe.

Another celebration we have here this weekend, is that yesterday Norway won Eurovision Song Contest. It was the first time in 14 years, so it was about time. I've shown the youtube clip of the song earlier too, when they did the national finals. I had high hopes for Fairytale, but I didn't honestly think it would slam dunk the victory like it did!!! Hooray for Alexander Rybak and his Titten Tei looks hehe

torsdag 16. april 2009

Pets and liqurish

When I was a little girl I never had any proper pets. The closest was a kitten who stayed on our veranda in a cardboard box for a summer (my father is allergic)and some hamsters we babysat for our neighbours when they went to the med on holidays. Their hamsters were always named Siss for some reason.

When I grew up and had finished my nurses education, I had my first proper flat. I then decided I wanted my first pet. With little experience, hamster was the obvious choice. So on sept 9 in 1999 (yeah 09.09.99) I bought my first pet ever. It was a really cute baby hamster, he was bright white, very fluffy, and scared of everything. His personality became apparent in a day, and he loved his little wheel in the cage. So I named him after some of my then favorite men. And they were not few. His full name was therefore Speedy Ricky Martin Andresen Redknapp Gonzales. Speedy Gonzales for short, after the infamous speedy cartoon. Ricky Martin is known, so he needs no further explanation. Martin Andresen was then a hot norwegian soccer player (still is, but he's older now, and not so hot. Here's a photo of him anyway)

Redknapp was first of all because of another soccer player, Jamie Redknapp, but also because Speedy had red-ish eyes that looked like little pins (in norwegian ; knappenål, and "knapp" from that)

Speedy was exactly that, speedy. He was never calm when awake, and ran like a manic in his wheel all night long, every night. So after 2 years I was kind of sick of it. But he was my little baby still. Even if he never was tame enough to stay outside his cage of his own, I had to watch him constantly.

Then I was moving down to Oslo, and had found a 12 year old girl who wanted to "adopt" him. 2 days before I was going, I found him halfway in his little fluffy house, stiff. Speedy had gone to hamster heaven. I was sad for half a day, and the girl who was going to adopt him was devastated. As a consolation, I gave her his cage anyway, and she got another hamster instead.

Since I've never had any pets. Until now. These pets are not by any means any I've chosen myself, and they're increasing in numbers. They're ANTS!.

The first one I discovered a few months ago, it was just a single one. I squished it, and didn't think any more of it. Then a few weeks, as the snow started to melt, I found a few every day. It was one here, one there, but I couldn't find any source. And they were so few that I didn't really care.

But the other day I'd had a glass of lemonade, and I left it on the sidetable by the sofa. Then, when I went to collect it and put it in the dishwasher, I looked into it. And there were about 7 ants, crawling about!! It freaked me out a bit, so yesterday, long overdue, I went to the gardening centre, and bought one of those ants-away devices. It was just a green box, like a little lid, and in there were some ant poison, sweet and proteine rich for them to catch the bate, and doesnt kill them instantly, so they can take it back to their queen. And today I've been watching their, work, and found out where they come from. It's a tiiiiny space between the floor and the wall, and they're squeezing themselves in there, or most of the time they're just knocking the wall, trying to get in. The now somehow appear drunk, so I'm now the owner of half a million junkie ants. Isn't that just nice... They're supposed to be all gone within a few weeks, so I hope the dope is potent. I'm tired of squishing ants now, I feel like a mass murderer.. And I don't want them crawling all over my floor either.

On another note, I saw this funny commercial at work today, and I'm putting it here. It's for IFA, salty liquirish lozengers, which apparently loosens you up a bit. The lady in the beginning is complainting about how boring her hubby is, and then he takes a lozenger...... Say no more hehe.

onsdag 25. mars 2009

Today I crave.....

No additional need for comment is there? :)

mandag 23. mars 2009

How many blondes does it take to switch a lightbulb?

Happy new week my friends and stray blog readers.

I'm not going to start telling blonde jokes, they're not for me. But I've gone from not so blonde (but with random blonde highlights) to even less blonde today, I've had a touch up on my hair from my hairdresser, who happens to be one of my best friends. It's good to have a personal hairdresser in time of need hehe.

And I don know how to change a lightbulb. The problem sometimes is to figure out how to detach the light covers. Like yesterday, I found the bathroom to be darker than usual. Turned out to be a dead lightbulb. Still have the main light over the sink though, so it's not completely dark. I've never claimed to be tall and lean, so I had to find my extra stairs, climb up towards the roof, and detach the cover. It was by no means easy. Was trying to not break anything, so after about 10 minutes I'd figured out a little switch on the side that made it possible to get to the dead bulb. Today I had one task at the grocerys; to get a new bulb. Guess who forgot??! yeap, me. So the bathroom is still semi-dark. But I'll live, there's always tomorrow :)

Yesterday my niece Stella was 3 years old, coincidentally the same day that Twitter was 3. I like Stella better than twitter, but other than that, happy birthday to both! We went to celebrate her, and had a lovely time. We were blessed with a beautiful sunny day, so the kids were playing in the snow, we were sat by a campfire and grilling hotdogs, and everything was kind of easter-ish. Which is nice, cause easter is just 2 weeks away. Other than that we had loads of cake, a play was brought to life by the kids (Karius and Baktus), currently Stellas favorite story.

The kids all had handknit wigs in red or black, red noses and painted-on freckles. Even Leona, 1 month old today, had a little red wig, she looked adorable.
The grown ups had white hats and were the teeth. My bro narrated, and it was great fun.

All in all, it was a lovely birthday party, Stella was super happy, especially because of all her gifts. A bike, cd player, trolls, dolls, puzzles, clothes, and loads of toys. I'm sure her 3rd year will be a wonderful one for her!!!

fredag 13. mars 2009

Friday the 13th.....

I'm not that superstitious really. One month ago we had another friday the 13, that day came and went without anything happening at all. No such luck this time.

Last night I had my final of 2 night shifts, and had brought some shrimp sallad that I purchased earlier that day. Finished it, and after that I randomly checked the lid. Expiry date: january 23 2009..... Oooops. Didn't feel anything after, so didn't think more of it.

Then I went home this morning, had a morning snack, went to bed. Woke up a few hours later.... Something was cooking. Literally. The taste of sulphate while burping gave me an idea what to expect, and I weren't wrong. It sucks big time, because I had planned on going away for the weekend. Had a movie planned, and a concert tomorrow maybe. Don't know what will happen now, I'll just try to not get dehydrated while fighting off the germs or whatever it is that's rummaging my body at the moment.

So friday the 13 sucks, if anybody wondered!!!!!!!!!!!!

happy weekend.. sort of.

søndag 8. mars 2009

Yet another week of our lives passed by

Sounds a bit depressing, but it's not really. Just lacking titles at the moment.

Cause there's not much going on here these days.

Last week I worked 3 days, and I'm slowly recovering from the cold/flu/whatever episode that's been going on for the last 1,5 weeks. Strange how it is, when we're sick we want to go back to work, but when at work, we sort of wish we were more sick. Not because I don't like my job, I really do, but I'm just tired a lot these days.

The days at home I watched too much tv, to the extent that it bored me. Even dodgy bug-eating shows on discovey amused me a bit.. And old Americas Next Top Model- shows. Guess that's what I'd do if I didn't work at all... just watch tv all day long.

To be honest, over the last months I've increasingly grown more and more tired of even turning on the pc, think I've gone into a internet reluctancy phase of my life. I start to write something, then it just turns on me, and I get sick of it all, and try to do something else instead. Maybe I should take an internet break for a while, and see if it comes back to me, and instead start working out, knitting more, read books or whatever. But I don't really know what to do instead, everything is sort of boring to me these days.

We'll see what tomorrow brings.
Oh, and best of luck to Julia and Rex for tomorrows operation, fingers crossed that he'll be ok :)

Take care


lørdag 28. februar 2009

Here's the 7 o'clock news

This last week's been filled with ups and downs for me. Instead of babbling on, I'll make a list of good things that's happened, and another with not so good things hehe. So here we go

The Happy List:
My niece Leona was born on monday :)
I still have money left, and it's not that long until my next pay check
I'm progressing on my knitting project
My flat is fairly tidy still
Frank Sinatra singing My Way on VH1

The blah List:
No voice
Had to call in sick at work tonight.

But that gives me another note on the happy list, cause now I have saturday off work, even if it's my working weekend. Would of course prefer to have a voice and less of a cold but hey.

To sponsor this weekends post, here's

Tomorrow's a new month, here's to March turning into a wonderful month for all of us!!!

onsdag 18. februar 2009

Not exactly mojito madness... more like mad cow disease

Ever thought about getting something exciting, phenomenal, out of this world to drink?? Well, search no more, now the best product ever has come to a place (relatively) near you!!

In India a new beverage has been produced, with the extracts of -------------- wait for it----------------- Cow urine!!!

So, why not switch from lemon/vanilla/cherry/whatever to Urine Coke!!

As delicious as it sounds I presume... Moooooooooooooo!!!

Article from the daily telegraph HERE
And if you want the article in Norwegian like me, press HERE

lørdag 14. februar 2009


Another saturday, another round of Eurosong 2009. This time I'm wondering if one of the songs has been ripped off and altered slightly from another quite popular song actually...

What's your opinion on it??!

The "original"

The "copy".. or eurosong from another band

Articles on yesterdays MGP in norwegian here and here

the soundtrack of my life

Here's how it works...
1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc).
2. Put it on shuffle.
3. Press play.
4. For the first question, type the song that's playing.
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button TWICE.
6. Don't lie and try to pretend you're cool...just type it in man!
7. Tag 20 people, and they have to do it too!


Opening Credits:
Cheap love song, Robbie Williams

Waking Up:
Might tell you tonight- Scissor Sisters

First Day at School:
I know him so well- Chess soundtrack

Falling in Love:
Something Beautiful- RW

Losing Virginity:
Knocking on Heaven's door- G'n'R

Fight Song:
Till dom ensamma- Mauro Socco (sw: For the lonely)

Breaking Up:
The 80's- RW

Don't let the sun go down on me- George Michael/Elton John

In the lap of the Gods- Queen

Mental Breakdown:
Fat bottomed Girls- Queen

The other Side- Scissor Sisters

Book of Days- Enya

Getting Back Together:
Argument- Chess soundtrack

Dancing Queen (Techno remix)- Abba

Birth of Child:
Gör mej lycklig nu- Mats Ronander & Kim Larsen (sw/dk: make me happy now)

Final Battle:
Save me- Queen

Death Scene:
Suspect-Daniel Powter

Honorary Mention:
Too much love will kill you- Brian May

hehe.. some appropriate, some not so much. And yeah, my music library is a bit lame haha.. It's from my ipod, that's been connected to my dad's pc. My lappie is too old to even dowload itunes.. how sad is that lol

Happy valentines my friends!!!!

tirsdag 10. februar 2009

She's Madonna

I'm a big admirer of Robbie Williams and his music, everybody who knows me, knows that. I've been to his concerts a few times, travelled continents and what not. And i've met him. But that's not what this blog is about.

It's about the coincidence that he has a song about someone we're going to see in concert this summer. Madonna.
She's actually never been to Norway, and as I've mentioned in a previous blog, I have people around me who really want to see her.

The idea of witnessing her has grown on me too, and I decided to take part of it. So my sis in law, who's 9 months pregnant, was up really early this morning, as the tickets went on sale. Our target was golden circle tickets, even if they're ridicioulsly expensive. I'll just live on noodles and water for a month instead haha
And she got tickets for the pair of us!

So now all left is to get time off work, as it's mid summer holiday. Exciting!!

And now, for the best part; Robbie Williams singing his song about... Madonna!!


søndag 8. februar 2009

Eurosong and stuff

These days we have to suffer through endless lines of horrible songs. Every saturday a new pile of horror is presented to us on tv, if we choose to watch. 'Cause in 2 weeks we're presenting Norways 2009 contribution to the Eurosong finals in Moscow. I haven't really paid any attention to any of the finalists so far, but last night I watched. Some songs were absolutely ghastly, some quite awful, some boring as hell, and then a few catched my attention. Like this one.. It awoke the Britpop loving Lisa anno 1995.

This one actually made it through to the finals, and it's not that bad either. Think it's gonna win the whole thing.. not internationally of course, but at least in Norway. We'll see!! (or stay away from the tv heheeh)

Article here


Was goofing a bit around with my extremely sucky mobile cam, since I was wearing my facyschmancy bunad. Thought I'd share my ugly gob with you lol

...embrace yourself :p

lørdag 7. februar 2009

Is that so? (and The Godmother)

I used to work with a woman a while back. I'm not gonna spill out her name, but whatever I used to say to her, she responded with "Is that so?". At that time I tended to zone out a bit about mid shift (we did night shifts together), and if I had a laptop near, I'd be chatting away on msn, commenting on whatever Isthatso used to do.

Well, we've had changes in our work schedules, and I no longer work nights with Isthatso. She was a nice lady, but she often got on my nerves, so now I'm just happy to have a bit of variation. Like tonight, I'm working with a really great sub who'll be working here for quite a bit.

Other than that, what's new? Not much really. I managed to get hold of 2 Madonna tickets through pre-sale yesterday, so if I get my holiday week when I want, I'll get to see her. Beate wanted to know how I could afford it, planning the LA trip and all, but it's all a matter of priorities :) And, if I didn't have anything planned for this summer, I'd go completely bonkers. Cause September is a long wait, when you see people starting their summer hols in mid june.

On sunday I'm going to a christening of the son of a good friend of mine. I already have 7 godchildren, but when she asked if I wanted to be the godmother I couldn't refuse. (yeah she made me an offer I couldn't refuse... pun indeed intended) So now I have 8 godchildren!! Who needs kids of their own huh?!
And this night I've watched a bit of the Godfather movie, and it's sort of the same with me.. Only with less horses heads in beds and shooting, and more giving expensive gifts for christmases and birthdays. So from now on you shall all refer to me as Don Lisa hehehe

fredag 30. januar 2009

What to do next summer

Last night I got a call from my sis in law. She asked me what I was doing on August 3. As I don't quite know what I'm doing tomorrow, I had to respond that I had no idea.

Well, she wanted me to come with her to Oslo, to see Madonna in concert. Madonna has never ever been to Norway before. And because it seems like this'll be her last tour ever, she's doing all those never before visited places. So here she comes.

But instead of august 3 she'll be here on july 30 (a thursday??!), and even if the tickets stay off the black market (like that's ever going to happen), you'll have to cash out 1100 norwegian kroner, or about 100 GBP. A bit harsh imo...

And today I got a message from another friend, wondering if I wanted to go to the concert with her. Guess it's just me who never was much of a Madonna fan... I had a thing for Bon Jovi back then I think. (or Italian footballers, depending on which era you're thinking of haha)

Hard to not go though, I'm sure it's gonna be a show to remember. And if she retires, at least we'll have seen her last concert ever!

(image nicked from Perezhilton via Google images)

for article in Norwegian, press here

Hello did you miss me?

I've been on a near one week long trip now, and haven't been able to keep up with anything online really. Except a couple of quick drop ins on the hotel computer. Didn't feel like publicly blogging about anything really... Or, i don't mind it coming out into the public through here, but my "creative process" goes on inside my home.

Well, what happened while I were gone? I've spent time with my nursing school besties, had a nice meet up, reminiscing about what we used to be up to 10+ years ago. Time flies, in many ways it's just like it happened yesterday. But meanwhile it was soooooo long ago. Starting families, moving to new towns, starting new jobs and so on. Loads has happened, but we stick together anyway. It's good to have friends like that.. Those 3 years as students made more inpact on who I am now than anything else in my life.

Other that we did a bit of shopping, saw a junkie set a shot of heroin (always charming...) I went to see Oasis in concert, and visited Ikea.. Twice. And had sushi. Loads of sushi.

Oasis was ok. I saw them in 1997 as well, and don't really remember much, except getting really sick afterwards. And that it was really loud. This time I had aged a bit, As had Oasis. They had a nice stage show with videos in the background, and the songs were good, especially my favorite Masterplan, and an a capella version of Don't look back in anger.

But they're no entertainers. Think Liam peaked shouting out "thank you Stockholm" after one of the songs. (he was in Oslo) hehe.
And the only proper convo between the crowd and the band was through Noel, commenting on the young age of the crowd, and introducing the new drummer, Chris Sharrock (Robbie Williams' ex drummer from his last concert). So I sort of knew about him. Noel made a little joke about Chris, asking if anybody had seen Lord of the Rings, making people giggle... Then adding he was Gandalfs body double..
That was a bit fun. Other than that it was all music and no talk.

Ikea was ok too, what you can't find at Ikea, is not worth having.
I even went to the bathroom, to find a dispenser of this

I misread it, and had a little giggle. What I thought it say was "moist sperm wipe" hehe (when it in reality read Moist seat wipes.. in Danish)

Who doesn't need that when in need... :p

That's all for now, I'll probably return with other stories soon. Take care for now!


søndag 18. januar 2009

Paper cuts and other annoyances

I'm sitting at my work desk, it's 4:29 am (yes you read right), and my eyes are itching, it feels like if I tried to close them now, I'd fall asleep sitting upright.

Another night shift..

Last night I managed to get a paper cut while watching tv on my index finger. And just before I started typing here, I did the same on my middle finger, same hand. Soon my hand will look like an arm of one of those youngsters who self mutilate. It's just that not even those kids are stupid enough to hurt their fingers. It's too visible. And it's getting bigger, my index finger looks like it's been through one of those pirquet tests they used to do before, before we got anti tub shots or whatever they're called.

When I typed my last name just before, my fingers were in the wrong position on the keyboard. And instead of Jakob it came out Hajib. I'm pretty sure that's a name as well, but I might be wrong. Might confuse it with Hijab, which is that scarf thing that certain work places have banned. Can't see why though.. I'm all pro showing who you are. As long as nobody denies me my pink socks, I won't deny anybody to wear whatever they want on their head.

Don't know why I blog about this at all really, it's not something I've been thinking about at all, guess it's my jet lag setting in.

Next weekend I'm going to Oslo again, can't wait to meet up with my old time besties! They keep reproducing themselves, and I don't hehe. I just are there when others do, and make sure they come out of the reproduction as healthy as possible.

Think that maybe the fancy name for my job should be Reproduction Manager, sounds a lot cooler than midwife, doesn't it??!

torsdag 15. januar 2009

This gadget will change your life

Are you one of those who never get tired of movies like Grease, Hairspray, or Mamma Mia? Then this new thing will make your life perfect. It's called Songsmith, and is developed by Microsoft.
Put on the programme, start singing, and the computer will belch out the exact chords to accompany your voice!
It'll be like you're living in a musical!!

Think I'll settle for the odd Singstar session, think this would make me crazy after a while though heheh.

For article, press HERE

søndag 11. januar 2009

Say cheeeeeese!!

As you know I have very irregular work hours. And working days, nights and evenings in a scramble, pretty much permanently leaves me jet lagged. And because of that, I've started to drink coffee. Not the lattes I prefer to sip while chilling at a coffee bar, but black, horrid coffee. It doesn't taste particularly good either, but it wakes me up a bit.

This has left marks on my teeth. My teeth's always been quite white, and having the pastiest complexion known to man, my teeth needs to stay white. Just so I look like I'm not dead hehe.

And I've found the solution.. the cheap one. I bought tooth whitening goo online! It's the same as the dentist use (hydrogen peroxide or whatever), just way cheaper. Most of all because the tooth guard things arent custom made for me, just generic plastic ones. But there's a procedure to make them suit my teeth perfectly. So I must say I'm really pleased!!
So far I've just tested them 30 minutes, and haven't noticed any difference, but I felt a cooling sensation on my teeth.

Hope that at least I'll have a Hollywood-esque perfect smile in time for September!!! (hehe I wish...)

fredag 9. januar 2009

Done complainting about the weather for now..

The last few days it's been snowing non stop. But after all, I live in the north of Norway, so it's sort of compulsory with blizzards in early January.
But what I'm grateful over is, that after all, I never even thought of going away in search of the sun.

When Nordics look for sun in January, the place to normally go is The Canary Islands.

This year that's no good idea... It's pretty chilly there too!! 7 degrees Celsius as a low is not a good temperature if you want to show off your pasty skin in a bikini!

Instead, I'll just get myself a nice warm cup of tea, a warm blanket, and dream of the summer. After all, it's just 2 weeks until we can see the sun again here....

For article in Norwegian, press HERE

tirsdag 6. januar 2009

Young love...

The german kids Anna-Lena(5 years old) and Mika (6) wanted to elope to Africa at new years.

They had it all planned out. A 7 year old sister was going with them as a witness.

They chose Africa because it's warm, and had even packed swimwear and sunglasses. Mika lured the sisters by telling tales from their recent trip to Italy. And they wanted to get married under the sun. The young ones were very much in love.

Early new years day the 3 kids snuck out of the house, got to a nearby train station, and headed towards Hannover Central Station. There a guard got suspicious, seeing the 3 kids with no guardians, waiting for the airport express train. The guard contacted the police. The police took the kids to the police station, where they rejoined their scared parents.
So, the dream of Africa ended up as nothing but exactly that, a dream.

Isn't that just sweet... Time will tell if their super strong puppy love will last!

ps. Picture is just an illustration

For article in norwegian, press here

torsdag 1. januar 2009

happy new year :)

That's it for for the year 2008, welcome to the new one!!

hope this will be an awesome, eventful and blissful year for all of you!