søndag 28. desember 2008

Virgin Mary gave birth to baby Jesus on christmas day

A woman in Peru named Virgen Maria, gave birth to a baby boy on christmas day. The babys name is Jesus. And the baby father is a carpenter.

20 year old Virgen Maria Huarcaya Palomino wasn't due on thursday, but had to deliver the baby by c-section. Originally the baby was supposed to be named after a soccer player, but due to the circumstances, they changed their minds.

And the father, Adolfo Jorge Huaman, has the same profession as Joseph, he's a carpenter, according to BBC news.

Jesus was born 8.20 CET, in Lima, Peru. His birth weight was 3320 grams.

"I'm happy to give birth on such a special day. I didn't think my baby would be born today, but now when he's in my arms, I'm really happy" States Maria.

Virgen Maria means Virgin Mary (noooooo :p )She told a local tv station that it was her grandfather who'd decided her name. And she's been teased about her name quite a lot.

(then why does she inflict the exact same on her son???!)

For article in norwegian, click HERE

Another night in Paradise

This nightshift is the second one I'm on this christmas, and it seems like babies in my area has decided that being born in the latest week of December is totally uncool, so they just stay "home" until January. And that suits me just fine. There's plenty of christmas goodies to finish off... So I do.

So the list of things ingested tonight is;
6 rice chocolate cookies
1 apple
2 bowls of potato crisps
A bottle of Pepsi Max (0,5 litres)
2 cups of tea
1 cup of oatmeal soup (don't ask... somebody had written that it was really good, so I had to test it. It wasn't)
2 cups of coffee
halv a cup of champagne flavoured soda
2 christmas cookies
1 wheat bun

And that's what I recall. And there's still 4,5 hours left of my shift.. Wonder if I'll fit my jeans when my shift is over heheh.

torsdag 25. desember 2008

Merry christmas!!!!!

Hope you'll have an awesome celebration, filled with everything you love and enjoy!!

lørdag 20. desember 2008

The ideal christmas gift for the person who has everything!- Part 2

I guess no more comment is needed here.. Except pmsl :p

torsdag 18. desember 2008

The ideal christmas gift for the person who has everything!!

Scarlett Johansson is selling her handkerchief, complete with snot, lipstick and the works. It's put out on Ebay, and the profits goes to the ideal organisation USA Harvest.

The auction goes until monday, and currently the top bid is on $2.050

A good deed, but kind of discusting in my opinion...
Knock yourselves out!!

For article in norwegian, press here

The closest thing to a pet Overdose ever...

Yesterday vets saved 1500(!!!!) parrots from a 1 bedrom apartement in Berlin. According to the neighbours, an elderly man has been breeding parrots, until he filled his entire apartement. By then the neighbours had enough of the noise and foul smell of the flying pets.

But today the animal rescue centre saved the lot, capturing them all by net. It took about 7 hours...

So next time you think about buying a parrot, just go to Berlin, looks like they'll be giving them away by the dozen!

søndag 14. desember 2008

The season of joy

As I've mentioned before (and I suppose people are aware of it anyway), the christmas is here soon.
It's dark all day long here these days, and many use candlelight to light up the darkness. And other lights as well. Plenty of light! It's beautiful, but remember to blow out the candles when you leave the room, shut down all lightning if you go out, and otherwise be extra careful. Because most of us have a drink now and then, and it's easy to forget. That can be fatal!!

The last 2 days 2 horrible fires have killed 10 people here in Norway. So take care of yourself, remebmer to blow out that candle!

fredag 12. desember 2008

The weekend is here

Hooooray :)

But got a busy schedule though.
Dust flat
Vaccuum flat
Clean flat
Do laundry
Make choc muffins
Change bed linen
Tidy flat (looks like an atomic wasteland ...)
Buy dress
Maybe buy shoes

And that's just for tomorrow..

Then it's the rest of the weekend.
Saturday the only christmas party I'm attending this year
Sunday probably sleeping, and praying to whoever is in charge that my headache won't return ;)

But I've got time off, yayyyy to that

søndag 7. desember 2008

Another night...

One done, doing one, and one more to go. Wish the weekend would pass by as quickly as those non-working one does.. But no.

I had the weirdest dream today, a woman came to me and told me to come and fly her jet. I did, it was kind of like a helicopter, but at the same time I had to hold on to it like it was a flying carpet. And we were quite a few sitting there. We saw all the familiar places, the aerial view was awesome. Then it came to a stop, at a strip like it was a normal plane.
And before I knew it, I was in a tent with 3 or 4 rooms. And it was work. One room had a grown man dressed as a baby, kind of like one of those fluffy pink rabbit suits, and he was chubby and very blonde. I sort of recognized him as an actor I've seen in some sitcoms, but I don't know his name. He kept trying to snatch babies... And my job was to stop him from doing that. It scared me a bit, but at the same time it was too weird to be scared. Then I woke up.
Anybody care to interpret this dream??

Personally I think I watch too much weird stuff on tv.. god knows haha.

lørdag 6. desember 2008

For the special people in my life :)

If I lived to be a thousand years,
If I ruled the word – it’s hemispheres,
I could not repay the love you brought my way,
So, I want to say it now
To thank you for each day you gave me.

Thank you for the Mondays,
Saturdays and Sundays,
Everyday, the whole year through;
Thank you for the fun days,
All those number-one days,
Battles-to-be-won days, too;
I just want to say it,
Thank you for each day with…you.

We have just one life to seize the day,
We only have what time there is to say…
‘n’do what we must do, express our gratitude,
So, I whant to say it and sing it now to you.

Thank you for the Mondays,
Saturdays and Sundays,
Everyday, the whole year through;
Thank you for the fun days,
All those number-one days,
Battles-to-be-won days, too;
I just want to say it,
Thank you for each day with…you.

At the close of every day,
When I close my eyes to pray,
All I need to do, is just to think of you…
Then, all I need to say…is…

Thank you for the Mondays,
Saturdays and Sundays,
Everyday, the whole year through;
Thank you for the fun days,
All those number-one days,
Battles-to-be-won days, too;
I just want to say it,
Thank you for each day with…you.

fredag 5. desember 2008

Poor Poor me

Because I have to work 3 night shifts this weekend.

Am leaving in 5 minutes...

Just had to whine a bit, sorry.

Have a good weekend, those who can :)

torsdag 4. desember 2008

Walkin' down Memory Lane..

For Beate, in memory of Gothenburg, July 1 2006 ;)

Words and music by Freddie Mercury

Tonight Im gonna have myself a real good time
I feel alive and the world turning inside out yeah!
And floating around in ecstasy
So dont stop me now dont stop me
cause Im having a good time having a good time

Im a shooting star leaping through the sky
Like a tiger defying the laws of gravity
Im a racing car passing by like lady godiva
Im gonna go go go
Theres no stopping me

Im burning through the sky yeah!
Two hundred degrees
Thats why they call me mister fahrenheit
Im travling at the speed of light
I wanna make a supersonic man out of you

Dont stop me now Im having such a good time
Im having a ball dont stop me now
If you wanna have a good time just give me a call
Dont stop me now (cause Im havin a good time)
Dont stop me now (yes Im havin a good time)
I dont want to stop at all

Im a rocket ship on my way to mars
On a collision course
I am a satellite Im out of control
I am a sex machine ready to reload
Like an atom bomb about to
Oh oh oh oh oh explode

Im burning through the sky yeah!
Two hundred degrees
Thats why they call me mister fahrenheit
Im travling at the speed of light
I wanna make a supersonic woman of you

Dont stop me dont stop me
Dont stop me hey hey hey!
Dont stop me dont stop me ooh ooh ooh (I like it)
Dont stop me dont stop me
Have a good time good time
Dont stop me dont stop me ah

Im burning through the sky yeah!
Two hundred degrees
Thats why they call me mister fahrenheit
Im travling at the speed of light
I wanna make a supersonic man out of you

Dont stop me now Im having such a good time
Im having a ball dont stop me now
If you wanna have a good time just give me a call
Dont stop me now (cause Im havin a good time)
Dont stop me now (yes Im havin a good time)
I dont want to stop at all

onsdag 3. desember 2008


Middle of the week, it's been a while since the weekend, and there's still a few days left until the weekend starts. Kinda depressing really.. But I'm just tired. But at least I've got tomorrow off, a "warm up" for the weekend, a working one. 3 night shifts.. blah.

Maybe I just need a nap to cheer myself up, but I dont know really.

All i can say is...


mandag 1. desember 2008

Happy December

It seems like christmas is coming closer, even if I try to live in denial. The stores are filling up with christmas stuff, lights, music, and everything else that reminds us that we are at this part of the year.

Last weekend the traditional christmas trees were lit in my town, as well as the illuminated streets. Or, traditional... This year my town the "blue city" had decided that they wanted something new, so a few women got together, and somehow produced a new lightigs system with BLUE lights! not just a few lightbulbs either... 18.000 of 'em!! The results wasn't that bad, all things considered. But it reminds me of radioactive waste, that's all.. And tanning booths haha

Take a look and decide for yourselves!!

Oh, and in one of the roundabouts some creative souls has created a rather peculiar masterpiece.. Yesterday 2 snowmen were found there, anatomically correct and all!! One is a lady, well built, and the other a man, were absolutely well hung hehe. The con was that this morning the weather had changed a bit, and it's started to rain. So certain parts of the man has gone a bit limp....

torsdag 27. november 2008

Oooh I'm leaving town

I'm just about to get my things together and leave now, I really need to get away. So I got myself a cheap flight down to Oslo.

Tomorrow morning (earlier than I want to share) I'm heading down, today I'm going to a nearby motel, so I don't have to get up at 3.30 am.
So this time tomorrow I'm probably having sushi, shopping, fretting in line at Ikea or just sipping a Latte at some coffee bar. Can't wait!!!!

onsdag 26. november 2008

What would happen?

What would happen if men were in charge of everything??!

That's what a new series, that was filmed this fall, is about.

The women of the island Husøy in Troms, in the north of Norway, was sent on a 10 day vacation to the Med, while the men was left in charge at home. Sounds like a fun concept.. Might watch it for sure!

An example of what happens; Not being a big fan of doing laundry, one of the men tossed the dirty underwear in the garbage, and bought new ones instead! My idea of a fresh start!

mandag 24. november 2008

Monty Python's got a Youtube Channel now

I haven't really reflected upon the fact that they never had,up until now. But being able to watch whatever we want of their material, whenever we want to is a real treat!!

go Monty Python!!

And my all time favorite is there too..

onsdag 19. november 2008

The final countdown

I've got this little cute piggy bank penguin sponsored by Minolta where I've put all my spare currency from when I've been out and about in the world.

Well, tonight, I decided to go looking for the key for it, and check what I've actually got on there. And to my surprise there were quite a bit..

The final score was:
In Norwegian Kroner: 4,50
In Swedish Kronor: 47,50
In US Dollars: 11,00
GB Pounds: 18,28
Czech Koron: 0,20 (this currency doesn't even exist any longer...)
And a guitar pick with the logo Warpigs.

I was certain I had some euros as well, but seems like I've hidden them somewhere else!

At least I've got spare change for wherever I'll decide to travel! hehe

tirsdag 18. november 2008

O come all ye faithful

Christmas isn't that far away now, and I've even bought 4 christmas presents already. Which isn't half bad for me, I tend to buy most about 1 week before christmas.

But this year christmas has been cancelled here. Because I'm on the work schedule from hell. They've come to a decision that every person at work will work every other christmas and new year. And I start at the christmas shift.

So this is my christmas week; monday the 22nd working a dayshift, 23rd off (yippee kay freakin' yay), dayshift on the 24th, evening the 25th, night starting the evening of dec 26th and another on dec 27th. Then one day off, and another day shift. And by then the christmas is over. Ok, I'll get 5 days off at new years, but who gives a **** about new years.. I for sure never did. I eat turkey, watch last years highlights on tv, see the fireworks going up, then I go home and sleep.

Call me a Grinch if you want... But I'm no happy bunny right now.

lørdag 15. november 2008

Everybody wants a bosom for a pillow

The song "Brimful of Asha" says "everybody wants a bosom for a pillow".. but that was a while back. Now the bosoms has to be firm, pointy and preferrably size 36 DD. Not everybody has that to begin with. That's why plastic surgery do so well. And companies like Victorias Secret, who simply create an illusion that you have what you really doesn't have. Or, make the best of what you've got if you want.

Except now Victoria's Secret has been sued.

A few women claims that one of their push up bras has caused swellings, rash and redness on the skin under their bras.

One even have done tests, to discover formaldehyde in the fabric, apparently used to keep the fabric neat and straight. But I must say it's a bit far fetched.

The red swollen, tender to the touch "rash" is other places in the world called NIPPLES!!

torsdag 13. november 2008

The decision's been made

And our hospital got the short end of the deal. But we just have to learn to deal with it I suppose.. They had a petition going, and had over 15.000 signatures all in all. But it was no good. They're trying to take it to the next level now, and see if they can make any impact on the minister. We'll see what will happen..

mandag 10. november 2008

Save our local hospital!!

I live in a fairly dense populated are of the world, and works at the hospital for our area. It's not like we have a dozen hospitals, it's just this one, and even if only about 40.000 belongs to this hospital area, it's a big area. At the most, some will have to drive for over 2 hours to get there. So we in the district are desperately in need of a decent hospital nearby. The standard of the building is far from respectable. It was built some time in the fifties, and from the look of it, nothing's been done with it ever since. There have been plans of building a new hospitals for quite a while now, from the late seventies actually, if I've understood right. And they've spent millions on planning. But the plans have never come through, and today, 30 years after the inital start of the plans, they're said to start building in a little while. But keep changing the drafts, so no building is in sight.

In the meanwhile there have been re-organisations over and over again, both local and national. So we're now part of a bigger establishment, with 2 other hospitals, one about our size, and another bigger one. And now the biggest of the hospitals in our establishment has got a bit of megalomania, and the latest re-organisation draft wants to move every clinic leader to them, and get rid of our hospital management altogether. Which is insane!

Our fear is that all the operation units, intensive care and general surgery will be transferred to the biggest hospital. Which in the long run will make all our jobs more insecure.

So today the people in our area has stood up for our hospital. 700 persons showed up! And hoping this will send a message to the government, and the central administration, that we don't take crap from nobody!!

To support us, please sign this online petition:


søndag 9. november 2008

Allegitimi Non Carborundum

Feel like I'm working for customer control tonight... First I was at the store getting a soda. And read the expiry date label, saying it was best before September 16 2008! Having one of the staff around I told him, and his response was "no, that must have been the production date!" yeah right.... that's whay it says "best before!" Twat. After a few minutes studying the bottle he decided I was right. So he went away. Mission 1 accomplished.

Then I went over to the candy and videostore, thinking of renting a dvd. But decided against it, instead I just ended up getting some candy. When weighing in, I found the scales already up 250 grams, and saw that the atm online machine partially leaning on it. Then the young boy behind the counters put my bag on there, and it was already half a kilo! He didn't even react.. Told him to please remove the atm online visa thing of course, and it was half the weight. Mission 2 acc0mplished.

And back home I was watching Miami Ink, seeing a girl getting a tattoo saying "Allegitimi Non Carborundum", or, Don't let the bastards get you down. So that's the word of the day.

tirsdag 4. november 2008

A giraffe miracle

This little giraffe baby was born in Kristiansand Dyrepark a few days ago. The guardians didn't even know the mum was pregnant. How that is possible, is beyond me. But the baby was the first one born in 17 years or something.

Of course the story isn't all bright and shiny. Her mother didn't want to have anything to do with the baby, so the guardians have to teach the baby to suckle. It still doesn't and it's been touch and go for a while now. But now she's started to lick the face and ears of the guardians, so that is progress. And she's started to swallow the cowmilk that's fed her.

Just hoping it's working out well, she is still really young. But oh so cute... gotta love babies!!

I'm alive

For those who wondered, yeah I'm alive and kicking. But incredibly jet lagged these days. Had an extra night shift saturday night, evening shift yesterday, day shift today, and 2 more night shifts, starting tomorrow night. So between the rather rotating day rythm I've got, I don't really have much to do online. Because I'm too tired to even think..

And if you wondered, and miss me dearly, i'm the one on the right. Looking at the snow. Because today it's been hailing.

torsdag 30. oktober 2008

First posting ever..

And I'll write about what interests me. These days pretty much nothing that keeps me interested for more than 3 minutes.. Can't say why that is, it's just a fact of life.

I've got a bit of e pet peeve though... CARS!! blasted rubbish cars, why do they have to be so flamin' expensive to use?

Stupid me had to put my trusted car named Georg in on a regular service to change oil filters and stuff the other week. And they told me it needed a lot of work.
I'm not familiar with the car terms in english, but one is one of those register strap things in the engine, that needs to be changed every now and then., had to be changed. As well as the 2 front break blocks, 2 winter tires (the back ones), and an air condition strap, or whatever it's called. Then there's the charge of the "party"... A mere 12000 norwegian Kroner.. Or around 1820 Dollars. For 2 days without my car. Everybody I know needs to embrace for getting... AIR for christmas from me!!