torsdag 18. desember 2008

The closest thing to a pet Overdose ever...

Yesterday vets saved 1500(!!!!) parrots from a 1 bedrom apartement in Berlin. According to the neighbours, an elderly man has been breeding parrots, until he filled his entire apartement. By then the neighbours had enough of the noise and foul smell of the flying pets.

But today the animal rescue centre saved the lot, capturing them all by net. It took about 7 hours...

So next time you think about buying a parrot, just go to Berlin, looks like they'll be giving them away by the dozen!

5 kommentarer:

  1. go to berlin and get me a parrot lisa!! please please please

  2. Hei Lisa.

    Jeg tar sjansen på å skrive nå norsk. Ville bare ønske deg ei riktig god jul, og et godt nyttår.

    Beates mamma.

  3. Wow...I do not want a parrot for xmas, Lisa! hehe

  4. god jul til deg også :)

    Hehe so.. Jules wants a parrot for christmas, but Beate doesn't. Message recieved :p

  5. oohhh i shall name him oscar and teach him swear words...hoorah!
