As usual I might say, my blog activity is rather low.
Since april 27 our work has been part of a project called
"active hospitals" , where the point has been to compete against other units, and find out who's the most active. We got points every day if we worked out, could get rewarded 1 or 2 points depending on the activity. Well, as competitive as I am, I set of to get full score. The project lasted for 6 weeks, and I actually managed to get 2 points every day. So I actually went from a 0 hour a week workout over the last 8 years to half an hour of aerobics or power walk a day. That showed on my measurements, I lost half my bust during the project (and there weren't much to begin with hehe) All in all I actually lost 25 cm's which is quite cool. But now when the project is over I'm lazy again. Will try to stay a bit more active than before though.. It's nice to walk in the forest, and feels great to be able to jog for 300 metres without having to puke afterwards lol.
Other than that last week or so has been incredibly busy. Started with 2 night shifts last wednesday and thursday night, sleeping friday morning, then at night we had a "blue" trip with work.
A Blue Trip is a trip where a committee of 2 or 3 persons decides what to do, and the rest are in "the blue", not knowing anything. Well, we met up at work at 6 pm, got a starter drink from a urine sample cup (of course, we work at a hospital lol) apple juice. Then we got handed an envelope with a riddle, and had to find out where our next destination would be. It was the local airport, so we got a bit apprehensive, wondering if we actually were to fly anywhere. Got there, had to go through the security check, then got seated, and handed another envelope. That one took us to Sortland, where I live, to a co workers new house. So there was no flight for us, just a security check.
At Sortland we found our co workers house, got lovely lime, mellon and cucumber drinks, these with alcohol. Had a chocolate quiz, then got another riddle. That time it was the destination. Which was a
sami exhibition/museum place a few kilometres away.
We drove off again, found the last stop. There we were met by the owners of the place, and shown up to our dining area, inside a Lavvu, a sami tent, like a tipi.
She told stories, spoke sapmi, which none of us understood, and sang a joik. That was pretty cool, actually. We got served a festive traditional meal of some kind of casserole, and had a few more quizzes outside the lavvu. We cheated like hell, and won hehe. The prize? A dried, salted reindeer heart!! Apparently it was a normal snack with the sami people, so we were handed the thing, sliced a bit of it, dipped it in coffee and ate it. Not my favorite snack, I must admit that. But now I've tasted that too... Never in a million years thought I'd actually eat a heart.
Anyhoo.. I left early, because next day I was going to
Lødingen to attend the annual seafood festival there. My sis in law is from Lødingen, that's why we go there. The name isn't that accurate, the festival involves more beer, and less actual seafood. But it's a nice place to relax, and the people are nice.
On monday I left to Oslo with a co worker, we were going to check out new beds for our delivery rooms. First we visited Ullevål Hospital, the biggest hospital in the country. We have 300 deliveries a year, they have 7000. So there's a difference for sure. We barely got to talk to the person we had appointments with, and found out that their beds were crappy.
Next morning we checked out of our hotel, got picked up by another bed company dude, and was escorted to Drammen to see another bed. That was quite another story.. Totally hi tech, inflatable cushions in seats and lower back, and could easily be turned into a recliner, if wanted. So I'm rooting for that one. Now its up to the hospital management if they want to spend 104.500 NOK on a bed.