Well, she wanted me to come with her to Oslo, to see Madonna in concert. Madonna has never ever been to Norway before. And because it seems like this'll be her last tour ever, she's doing all those never before visited places. So here she comes.
But instead of august 3 she'll be here on july 30 (a thursday??!), and even if the tickets stay off the black market (like that's ever going to happen), you'll have to cash out 1100 norwegian kroner, or about 100 GBP. A bit harsh imo...
And today I got a message from another friend, wondering if I wanted to go to the concert with her. Guess it's just me who never was much of a Madonna fan... I had a thing for Bon Jovi back then I think. (or Italian footballers, depending on which era you're thinking of haha)
Hard to not go though, I'm sure it's gonna be a show to remember. And if she retires, at least we'll have seen her last concert ever!

(image nicked from Perezhilton via Google images)
for article in Norwegian, press here
ooooohhhh fancy smancy new header..did you make it?? if so make me one...please please please bounce bounce bounce..
SvarSlettGlad you had fun in Oslo..
Welcome Back xx
Thanks, yeah it's fancy isn't it? I didn't make it... My photoshop knowledge has gone out the window. Carro made it.. Spending time before the new baby arrives :) sorry
SvarSlettI need to contact carro....hehe. I want a cool one too!!