The last few days it's been snowing non stop. But after all, I live in the north of Norway, so it's sort of compulsory with blizzards in early January.
But what I'm grateful over is, that after all, I never even thought of going away in search of the sun.
When Nordics look for sun in January, the place to normally go is The Canary Islands.
This year that's no good idea... It's pretty chilly there too!! 7 degrees Celsius as a low is not a good temperature if you want to show off your pasty skin in a bikini!
Instead, I'll just get myself a nice warm cup of tea, a warm blanket, and dream of the summer. After all, it's just 2 weeks until we can see the sun again here....
For article in Norwegian, press HERE
good luck finding warmth
SvarSlettI wouldn't go to Spain either...they got snow!! Strange...
SvarSlettI'm glad we always have the sun here...not that we see it. It's been cloudy for weeks!