They had it all planned out. A 7 year old sister was going with them as a witness.
They chose Africa because it's warm, and had even packed swimwear and sunglasses. Mika lured the sisters by telling tales from their recent trip to Italy. And they wanted to get married under the sun. The young ones were very much in love.
Early new years day the 3 kids snuck out of the house, got to a nearby train station, and headed towards Hannover Central Station. There a guard got suspicious, seeing the 3 kids with no guardians, waiting for the airport express train. The guard contacted the police. The police took the kids to the police station, where they rejoined their scared parents.
So, the dream of Africa ended up as nothing but exactly that, a dream.
Isn't that just sweet... Time will tell if their super strong puppy love will last!

ps. Picture is just an illustration
For article in norwegian, press here
Aaaaw...that's so sweet!!
SvarSlettthats a bit weird