Last night I had my final of 2 night shifts, and had brought some shrimp sallad that I purchased earlier that day. Finished it, and after that I randomly checked the lid. Expiry date: january 23 2009..... Oooops. Didn't feel anything after, so didn't think more of it.
Then I went home this morning, had a morning snack, went to bed. Woke up a few hours later.... Something was cooking. Literally. The taste of sulphate while burping gave me an idea what to expect, and I weren't wrong. It sucks big time, because I had planned on going away for the weekend. Had a movie planned, and a concert tomorrow maybe. Don't know what will happen now, I'll just try to not get dehydrated while fighting off the germs or whatever it is that's rummaging my body at the moment.
So friday the 13 sucks, if anybody wondered!!!!!!!!!!!!
happy weekend.. sort of.

Get well, Get well soon:)
SvarSlettwow, that sux