søndag 18. januar 2009

Paper cuts and other annoyances

I'm sitting at my work desk, it's 4:29 am (yes you read right), and my eyes are itching, it feels like if I tried to close them now, I'd fall asleep sitting upright.

Another night shift..

Last night I managed to get a paper cut while watching tv on my index finger. And just before I started typing here, I did the same on my middle finger, same hand. Soon my hand will look like an arm of one of those youngsters who self mutilate. It's just that not even those kids are stupid enough to hurt their fingers. It's too visible. And it's getting bigger, my index finger looks like it's been through one of those pirquet tests they used to do before, before we got anti tub shots or whatever they're called.

When I typed my last name just before, my fingers were in the wrong position on the keyboard. And instead of Jakob it came out Hajib. I'm pretty sure that's a name as well, but I might be wrong. Might confuse it with Hijab, which is that scarf thing that certain work places have banned. Can't see why though.. I'm all pro showing who you are. As long as nobody denies me my pink socks, I won't deny anybody to wear whatever they want on their head.

Don't know why I blog about this at all really, it's not something I've been thinking about at all, guess it's my jet lag setting in.

Next weekend I'm going to Oslo again, can't wait to meet up with my old time besties! They keep reproducing themselves, and I don't hehe. I just are there when others do, and make sure they come out of the reproduction as healthy as possible.

Think that maybe the fancy name for my job should be Reproduction Manager, sounds a lot cooler than midwife, doesn't it??!

4 kommentarer:

  1. If anyone asks me what you do for a living, I will tell them you're a Reproduction Manager...hahaha. Now, that would be something. Heheheheeeeeeeeeeee...it made me giggle just to think about it!

  2. PINK SOCKS ARE NOW BANNED! you will be beaten with a smelly trout upon your head until the socks fall off of your feet if caught wearing them. that is all...cya later hajib

  3. nooooooooooooooooooooo!! You can never take my pink socks from me!!!


  4. kiss your pink socks goodbye xx
