Last night I got a call from my sis in law. She asked me what I was doing on August 3. As I don't quite know what I'm doing tomorrow, I had to respond that I had no idea.
Well, she wanted me to come with her to Oslo, to see Madonna in concert. Madonna has never ever been to Norway before. And because it seems like this'll be her last tour ever, she's doing all those never before visited places. So here she comes.
But instead of august 3 she'll be here on july 30 (a thursday??!), and even if the tickets stay off the black market (like that's ever going to happen), you'll have to cash out 1100 norwegian kroner, or about 100 GBP. A bit harsh imo...
And today I got a message from another friend, wondering if I wanted to go to the concert with her. Guess it's just me who never was much of a Madonna fan... I had a thing for Bon Jovi back then I think. (or Italian footballers, depending on which era you're thinking of haha)
Hard to not go though, I'm sure it's gonna be a show to remember. And if she retires, at least we'll have seen her last concert ever!
I've been on a near one week long trip now, and haven't been able to keep up with anything online really. Except a couple of quick drop ins on the hotel computer. Didn't feel like publicly blogging about anything really... Or, i don't mind it coming out into the public through here, but my "creative process" goes on inside my home.
Well, what happened while I were gone? I've spent time with my nursing school besties, had a nice meet up, reminiscing about what we used to be up to 10+ years ago. Time flies, in many ways it's just like it happened yesterday. But meanwhile it was soooooo long ago. Starting families, moving to new towns, starting new jobs and so on. Loads has happened, but we stick together anyway. It's good to have friends like that.. Those 3 years as students made more inpact on who I am now than anything else in my life.
Other that we did a bit of shopping, saw a junkie set a shot of heroin (always charming...) I went to see Oasis in concert, and visited Ikea.. Twice. And had sushi. Loads of sushi.
Oasis was ok. I saw them in 1997 as well, and don't really remember much, except getting really sick afterwards. And that it was really loud. This time I had aged a bit, As had Oasis. They had a nice stage show with videos in the background, and the songs were good, especially my favorite Masterplan, and an a capella version of Don't look back in anger.
But they're no entertainers. Think Liam peaked shouting out "thank you Stockholm" after one of the songs. (he was in Oslo) hehe. And the only proper convo between the crowd and the band was through Noel, commenting on the young age of the crowd, and introducing the new drummer, Chris Sharrock (Robbie Williams' ex drummer from his last concert). So I sort of knew about him. Noel made a little joke about Chris, asking if anybody had seen Lord of the Rings, making people giggle... Then adding he was Gandalfs body double.. That was a bit fun. Other than that it was all music and no talk.
Ikea was ok too, what you can't find at Ikea, is not worth having. I even went to the bathroom, to find a dispenser of this
I misread it, and had a little giggle. What I thought it say was "moist sperm wipe" hehe (when it in reality read Moist seat wipes.. in Danish)
Who doesn't need that when in need... :p
That's all for now, I'll probably return with other stories soon. Take care for now!
I'm sitting at my work desk, it's 4:29 am (yes you read right), and my eyes are itching, it feels like if I tried to close them now, I'd fall asleep sitting upright.
Another night shift..
Last night I managed to get a paper cut while watching tv on my index finger. And just before I started typing here, I did the same on my middle finger, same hand. Soon my hand will look like an arm of one of those youngsters who self mutilate. It's just that not even those kids are stupid enough to hurt their fingers. It's too visible. And it's getting bigger, my index finger looks like it's been through one of those pirquet tests they used to do before, before we got anti tub shots or whatever they're called.
When I typed my last name just before, my fingers were in the wrong position on the keyboard. And instead of Jakob it came out Hajib. I'm pretty sure that's a name as well, but I might be wrong. Might confuse it with Hijab, which is that scarf thing that certain work places have banned. Can't see why though.. I'm all pro showing who you are. As long as nobody denies me my pink socks, I won't deny anybody to wear whatever they want on their head.
Don't know why I blog about this at all really, it's not something I've been thinking about at all, guess it's my jet lag setting in.
Next weekend I'm going to Oslo again, can't wait to meet up with my old time besties! They keep reproducing themselves, and I don't hehe. I just are there when others do, and make sure they come out of the reproduction as healthy as possible.
Think that maybe the fancy name for my job should be Reproduction Manager, sounds a lot cooler than midwife, doesn't it??!
Are you one of those who never get tired of movies like Grease, Hairspray, or Mamma Mia? Then this new thing will make your life perfect. It's called Songsmith, and is developed by Microsoft. Put on the programme, start singing, and the computer will belch out the exact chords to accompany your voice! It'll be like you're living in a musical!!
Think I'll settle for the odd Singstar session, think this would make me crazy after a while though heheh.
As you know I have very irregular work hours. And working days, nights and evenings in a scramble, pretty much permanently leaves me jet lagged. And because of that, I've started to drink coffee. Not the lattes I prefer to sip while chilling at a coffee bar, but black, horrid coffee. It doesn't taste particularly good either, but it wakes me up a bit.
This has left marks on my teeth. My teeth's always been quite white, and having the pastiest complexion known to man, my teeth needs to stay white. Just so I look like I'm not dead hehe.
And I've found the solution.. the cheap one. I bought tooth whitening goo online! It's the same as the dentist use (hydrogen peroxide or whatever), just way cheaper. Most of all because the tooth guard things arent custom made for me, just generic plastic ones. But there's a procedure to make them suit my teeth perfectly. So I must say I'm really pleased!! So far I've just tested them 30 minutes, and haven't noticed any difference, but I felt a cooling sensation on my teeth.
Hope that at least I'll have a Hollywood-esque perfect smile in time for September!!! (hehe I wish...)
The last few days it's been snowing non stop. But after all, I live in the north of Norway, so it's sort of compulsory with blizzards in early January. But what I'm grateful over is, that after all, I never even thought of going away in search of the sun.
When Nordics look for sun in January, the place to normally go is The Canary Islands.
This year that's no good idea... It's pretty chilly there too!! 7 degrees Celsius as a low is not a good temperature if you want to show off your pasty skin in a bikini!
Instead, I'll just get myself a nice warm cup of tea, a warm blanket, and dream of the summer. After all, it's just 2 weeks until we can see the sun again here....
The german kids Anna-Lena(5 years old) and Mika (6) wanted to elope to Africa at new years.
They had it all planned out. A 7 year old sister was going with them as a witness.
They chose Africa because it's warm, and had even packed swimwear and sunglasses. Mika lured the sisters by telling tales from their recent trip to Italy. And they wanted to get married under the sun. The young ones were very much in love.
Early new years day the 3 kids snuck out of the house, got to a nearby train station, and headed towards Hannover Central Station. There a guard got suspicious, seeing the 3 kids with no guardians, waiting for the airport express train. The guard contacted the police. The police took the kids to the police station, where they rejoined their scared parents. So, the dream of Africa ended up as nothing but exactly that, a dream.
Isn't that just sweet... Time will tell if their super strong puppy love will last!