torsdag 8. april 2010

The night is young..

And I feel old. Head is aching, body is numb.

This could have been the beginning of an awesome poem, but it's just the way I feel right now.
Because I'm working night shifts. One of my least favorite activities ever.. Only beat by shovelling snow, doing dishes and cleaning the house.
Domestic goddess, me? I think not.

My lack of blogging is a symptom of my life, because there's really not much going on there that I feel comfortable sharing with the world.

The days come and go, and I guess these are the days of our lives. Only problem is, it feels like what I do with my life is wait for the weekends. For obvious reasons.

I should make it my task to turn every day into a weekend, so that I'd enjoy it more. But that's not possible.

I hate being negative, but sometimes I can't help myself.

There's is one thing that cheers me up though, and that's looking at utterly weird things on youtube. So tonight I bring you this clip, someone playing the most peculiar instrument I've ever seen or heard of... The theremin. Shaped as a russian wooden doll...

Enjoy. Heheh. Or have nightmares. Your choice!

1 kommentar:

  1. You certainly wrote what I feel most of the time.. night [which I happen to like] does take a lot of the life out of you... so except for the sleep thing, all is fine.. *sigh*

    The video.. is just plain odd.
