søndag 28. desember 2008

Another night in Paradise

This nightshift is the second one I'm on this christmas, and it seems like babies in my area has decided that being born in the latest week of December is totally uncool, so they just stay "home" until January. And that suits me just fine. There's plenty of christmas goodies to finish off... So I do.

So the list of things ingested tonight is;
6 rice chocolate cookies
1 apple
2 bowls of potato crisps
A bottle of Pepsi Max (0,5 litres)
2 cups of tea
1 cup of oatmeal soup (don't ask... somebody had written that it was really good, so I had to test it. It wasn't)
2 cups of coffee
halv a cup of champagne flavoured soda
2 christmas cookies
1 wheat bun

And that's what I recall. And there's still 4,5 hours left of my shift.. Wonder if I'll fit my jeans when my shift is over heheh.

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