onsdag 18. november 2009

Giggle of the day

I stumbled upon an old youtube clip of one of my favorite actors Hugh "House" Laurie, Stephen Fry and Dawn French.

As I do what I do for a living, it's important to remember safe sex. Here's their view on the matter.


søndag 1. november 2009

Another Robbie Williams track

I admit it, I'm a Robbie Williams fan. And I'm happy he's got a new album coming out soon. Or, I already have a copy of it that I haven't gotten around to listen to, so I'm not as super interested as I used to be be back in the days.. But still.

The new single will apparently be out in december, and is called You Know Me.

Here's the video. And I guess I'm obliged to say that I got the code from his web site

You Know Me - Robbie Williams (Official full-length video)

Robbie Williams | MySpace Video

What do you think? Plain weird, funny, or genious?