lørdag 28. februar 2009

Here's the 7 o'clock news

This last week's been filled with ups and downs for me. Instead of babbling on, I'll make a list of good things that's happened, and another with not so good things hehe. So here we go

The Happy List:
My niece Leona was born on monday :)
I still have money left, and it's not that long until my next pay check
I'm progressing on my knitting project
My flat is fairly tidy still
Frank Sinatra singing My Way on VH1

The blah List:
No voice
Had to call in sick at work tonight.

But that gives me another note on the happy list, cause now I have saturday off work, even if it's my working weekend. Would of course prefer to have a voice and less of a cold but hey.

To sponsor this weekends post, here's

Tomorrow's a new month, here's to March turning into a wonderful month for all of us!!!

onsdag 18. februar 2009

Not exactly mojito madness... more like mad cow disease

Ever thought about getting something exciting, phenomenal, out of this world to drink?? Well, search no more, now the best product ever has come to a place (relatively) near you!!

In India a new beverage has been produced, with the extracts of -------------- wait for it----------------- Cow urine!!!

So, why not switch from lemon/vanilla/cherry/whatever to Urine Coke!!

As delicious as it sounds I presume... Moooooooooooooo!!!

Article from the daily telegraph HERE
And if you want the article in Norwegian like me, press HERE

lørdag 14. februar 2009


Another saturday, another round of Eurosong 2009. This time I'm wondering if one of the songs has been ripped off and altered slightly from another quite popular song actually...

What's your opinion on it??!

The "original"

The "copy".. or eurosong from another band

Articles on yesterdays MGP in norwegian here and here

the soundtrack of my life

Here's how it works...
1. Open your library (iTunes, Winamp, Media Player, iPod, etc).
2. Put it on shuffle.
3. Press play.
4. For the first question, type the song that's playing.
5. When you go to a new question, press the next button TWICE.
6. Don't lie and try to pretend you're cool...just type it in man!
7. Tag 20 people, and they have to do it too!


Opening Credits:
Cheap love song, Robbie Williams

Waking Up:
Might tell you tonight- Scissor Sisters

First Day at School:
I know him so well- Chess soundtrack

Falling in Love:
Something Beautiful- RW

Losing Virginity:
Knocking on Heaven's door- G'n'R

Fight Song:
Till dom ensamma- Mauro Socco (sw: For the lonely)

Breaking Up:
The 80's- RW

Don't let the sun go down on me- George Michael/Elton John

In the lap of the Gods- Queen

Mental Breakdown:
Fat bottomed Girls- Queen

The other Side- Scissor Sisters

Book of Days- Enya

Getting Back Together:
Argument- Chess soundtrack

Dancing Queen (Techno remix)- Abba

Birth of Child:
Gör mej lycklig nu- Mats Ronander & Kim Larsen (sw/dk: make me happy now)

Final Battle:
Save me- Queen

Death Scene:
Suspect-Daniel Powter

Honorary Mention:
Too much love will kill you- Brian May

hehe.. some appropriate, some not so much. And yeah, my music library is a bit lame haha.. It's from my ipod, that's been connected to my dad's pc. My lappie is too old to even dowload itunes.. how sad is that lol

Happy valentines my friends!!!!

tirsdag 10. februar 2009

She's Madonna

I'm a big admirer of Robbie Williams and his music, everybody who knows me, knows that. I've been to his concerts a few times, travelled continents and what not. And i've met him. But that's not what this blog is about.

It's about the coincidence that he has a song about someone we're going to see in concert this summer. Madonna.
She's actually never been to Norway, and as I've mentioned in a previous blog, I have people around me who really want to see her.

The idea of witnessing her has grown on me too, and I decided to take part of it. So my sis in law, who's 9 months pregnant, was up really early this morning, as the tickets went on sale. Our target was golden circle tickets, even if they're ridicioulsly expensive. I'll just live on noodles and water for a month instead haha
And she got tickets for the pair of us!

So now all left is to get time off work, as it's mid summer holiday. Exciting!!

And now, for the best part; Robbie Williams singing his song about... Madonna!!


søndag 8. februar 2009

Eurosong and stuff

These days we have to suffer through endless lines of horrible songs. Every saturday a new pile of horror is presented to us on tv, if we choose to watch. 'Cause in 2 weeks we're presenting Norways 2009 contribution to the Eurosong finals in Moscow. I haven't really paid any attention to any of the finalists so far, but last night I watched. Some songs were absolutely ghastly, some quite awful, some boring as hell, and then a few catched my attention. Like this one.. It awoke the Britpop loving Lisa anno 1995.

This one actually made it through to the finals, and it's not that bad either. Think it's gonna win the whole thing.. not internationally of course, but at least in Norway. We'll see!! (or stay away from the tv heheeh)

Article here


Was goofing a bit around with my extremely sucky mobile cam, since I was wearing my facyschmancy bunad. Thought I'd share my ugly gob with you lol

...embrace yourself :p

lørdag 7. februar 2009

Is that so? (and The Godmother)

I used to work with a woman a while back. I'm not gonna spill out her name, but whatever I used to say to her, she responded with "Is that so?". At that time I tended to zone out a bit about mid shift (we did night shifts together), and if I had a laptop near, I'd be chatting away on msn, commenting on whatever Isthatso used to do.

Well, we've had changes in our work schedules, and I no longer work nights with Isthatso. She was a nice lady, but she often got on my nerves, so now I'm just happy to have a bit of variation. Like tonight, I'm working with a really great sub who'll be working here for quite a bit.

Other than that, what's new? Not much really. I managed to get hold of 2 Madonna tickets through pre-sale yesterday, so if I get my holiday week when I want, I'll get to see her. Beate wanted to know how I could afford it, planning the LA trip and all, but it's all a matter of priorities :) And, if I didn't have anything planned for this summer, I'd go completely bonkers. Cause September is a long wait, when you see people starting their summer hols in mid june.

On sunday I'm going to a christening of the son of a good friend of mine. I already have 7 godchildren, but when she asked if I wanted to be the godmother I couldn't refuse. (yeah she made me an offer I couldn't refuse... pun indeed intended) So now I have 8 godchildren!! Who needs kids of their own huh?!
And this night I've watched a bit of the Godfather movie, and it's sort of the same with me.. Only with less horses heads in beds and shooting, and more giving expensive gifts for christmases and birthdays. So from now on you shall all refer to me as Don Lisa hehehe