I live in a fairly dense populated are of the world, and works at the hospital for our area. It's not like we have a dozen hospitals, it's just this one, and even if only about 40.000 belongs to this hospital area, it's a big area. At the most, some will have to drive for over 2 hours to get there. So we in the district are desperately in need of a decent hospital nearby. The standard of the building is far from respectable. It was built some time in the fifties, and from the look of it, nothing's been done with it ever since. There have been plans of building a new hospitals for quite a while now, from the late seventies actually, if I've understood right. And they've spent millions on planning. But the plans have never come through, and today, 30 years after the inital start of the plans, they're said to start building in a little while. But keep changing the drafts, so no building is in sight.
In the meanwhile there have been re-organisations over and over again, both local and national. So we're now part of a bigger establishment, with 2 other hospitals, one about our size, and another bigger one. And now the biggest of the hospitals in our establishment has got a bit of megalomania, and the latest re-organisation draft wants to move every clinic leader to them, and get rid of our hospital management altogether. Which is insane!
Our fear is that all the operation units, intensive care and general surgery will be transferred to the biggest hospital. Which in the long run will make all our jobs more insecure.
So today the people in our area has stood up for our hospital. 700 persons showed up! And hoping this will send a message to the government, and the central administration, that we don't take crap from nobody!!
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